Sunday, November 24, 2013

Where do we go from here? Reflections on digital citizenship, AUPs, communication, & instruction

As far as I can tell, the district AUP is provided only as part of the student handbook and is not clearly addressed with students and families.  I would like to see the technology AUP receive specific attention and have students and parents sign the AUP.   The wording currently in the student handbook could be made more accessible (less legal-sounding), but the true AUP, the one that truly addresses use, needs to be clear and concise regarding expectations of behavior for technology use.   The AUP also needs to more comprehensively address (however briefly) all aspects of digital citizenship.

When addressing faculty about digital citizenship, it’s important to acknowledge what they are already doing well.   I think it will be important to emphasize that I’m not a part of the district CTE (Career & Technical Education) department, and that modeling (if not straight-out teaching) digital citizenship is everyone’s responsibility.  I would briefly touch on each of the nine aspects of digital citizenship and emphasize the importance of knowledge/fluency of each. 

Communicating with faculty and staff can be accomplished in several ways.  One is to work with technology teachers to present to faculty, providing a voice from outside that department.  That is the easiest and most direct way.   E-mails can also be efficacious for communicating with the group, but they don’t require taking everyone’s time in a group meeting.   While you can’t guarantee that all faculty members will read e-mails, they can be easily saved and referred to as needed. 

I’ve enjoyed this course.  I had not previously considered all that digital citizenship encompasses.  Recognizing all nine aspects, I feel I can better assist students and faculty in learning about and effectively and safely using technology. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A little precaution goes a long way - digital security

Digital protection starts with use of passwords. Students must learn through direct instruction that passwords are meant to be used by only one person and that sharing passwords allows others access to accounts and information. Passcodes on phones are a great place to start. An unprotected phone is no different from one for which the owner provides a passcodes to others. Simple pranks can turn more malicious through changed passwords, unauthorized purchases, and texts/e-mails/media posts executed by someone else. Practices that apply to phones easily transfer to other devices such as tablets or laptops.

Students should also protect usernames and passwords for campus computer use and accounts. Again, friends often prank one another, and some students can behave maliciously toward others. To protect one’s work, students should keep log-in information confidential. In the event of group projects, students are better off storing work on flash drives rather than relying on a single student to save work. Anyone can access files from a flash drive, whereas if one student is saving work only to his or her account, the files are inaccessible if that student is not present. At present, a flash drive should be a required supply for all secondary students.

Students need to learn via video (such as the “Think Before You Post” Youtube video) as well as direct instruction the dangers that they might encounter when they fail to protect not only their device but also their reputation. Devices are often easier to protect through updates; reputation – and even physical security – is more easily placed at risk through ill-advised or poorly-thought-out posts (both text and photos) and/or communications. Hearing about these unfortunate experiences first-hand is a good learning opportunity, as are videos and sites that target and feature teens.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cross your t's and dot your i's - digital law

Digital law is one of the areas that requires more direct instruction than many of the other elements.  While ethical use of software and information should seem fairly straightforward, the ease of sharing software and “borrowing” information – along with the perceived notion that no one is being harmed (“harmed” typically denoting physical damage) – tends to dull one’s perception of morality.   Admittedly, there are gray areas when it comes to digital law.  What exactly does copyright protect, and to what extent?  What constitutes “fair use”?  And even when a matter might be obviously unethical, how likely is it that a person will be caught?

I am currently working with 11th grade Advance Placement ELAR classes on research papers.   We have spent a significant amount of time explaining the importance of source citation and helping students document sources and information.   Many students are still developing research skills and this style of writing, so we have the perfect opportunity to stress the importance of academic integrity and the ethical use of information.   The importance of citing information, of giving credit where it is due, is hardly a new concept for our students, but as they begin to look toward the next stage in their academic careers, it takes on a new relevance.   This would be a good time to broach other related topics, making the jump from using others’ ideas to discussing the general idea of copyrights and finally to how it relates to them specifically – not just ideas, but software and other products. 

Also, it’s easy to tell students what they should not do.  We don’t want to focus only on the “don’ts” of digital law.  We need to provide plenty of examples of appropriate and responsible use, including “fair use”.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Digital Etiquette - Say (and Model) Something Nice

I believe that students are aware of others when they use technology, but they often prefer to overlook the potentially negative effects that use of various devices might have on others in order to continue using technology.    Part of that failure stems, as some of the readings indicate, from observing adults who fail to exhibit proper digital etiquette.  Looking back on the past week, I can think of several times when I failed to model appropriate digital etiquette. 
As Benbunan-Fich notes, people tend to disregard the impact that technology has on others as long as it doesn’t create physical risks (2012).  They don’t view annoyance as something negative – unless, as she notes, hypocritical behavior ensues and the offender becomes offended by the same behavior that s/he exhibits.   Creating specific guidelines for technology use is important in classrooms and educational settings; it is equally important to explain the purpose of the guidelines and to consistently enforce them.  If technology users can recognize that there are particular times and places where use is prohibited, they become more open to other guidelines and restrictions.   Any prohibitions against use need to be purposeful and reasonable. 

Students sometimes understand how technology use affects themselves and others.  Sexting and cyberbullying are commonplace enough that many students have at least anecdotal experience of negative technology use.   Again, we can look to adults to realize that bad behavior still occurs with role models.   Do we know coworkers or employees whose comments are either inflammatory toward their employers or at least reflect poorly on the employer or organization?  The likely answer is “yes”.  And as Facebook allows younger teens’ profiles to be searchable (Levin, 2013), teens need to be doubly aware that nothing they post – or text or e-mail – is private once they hit “send.”

Benbunan-Fich, R. (2012). The ethics and etiquette of multitasking in the workplace. Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE, 31(3), 15-19.

Levin, A. (2013, October 24). Could Facebook’s new privacy rules endanger your kids? Huffington Post. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Digital Literacy

Technology should certainly be used for learning.  It is a medium with which most of our students are familiar and comfortable.  They might not always use it efficiently or particularly well, but it affords an opportunity to learn in a manner that is immensely flexible in terms of the amount of resources available and the opportunity to learn asynchronously.  It can be teacher-structured or students can operate independently.  Another benefit of using technology to search for new information is that students can encounter different approaches and see information presented in different ways, some of which might be easier to comprehend.  

The potential problem is that teachers might not be aware of the available resources and students might not be able to locate appropriate resources on their own.  Teachers need to have a plan for their assignments and should be able to provide guidance.  In addition to clear guidelines, students need to know how  to conduct efficient searches and how to evaluate information.  the best learning occurs as an outcome of prior knowledge and experience and careful planning, not as a random or lucky circumstance.  Thus, as Lindsay and Davis point out in "Navigate the Digital Rapids", teachers must overcome the fear of letting students loose online, they must plan, and they  must monitor and be engaged in the process (2010). 

In order for students to best take advantage of educational opportunities afforded through digital technologies, they need it modeled.  The best situation is to have it modeled by multiple educators across different disciplines (Ribble & Bailey, 2010).  Once students see and experience the technologies, they need to be allowed to try them on their own.  Whether they succeed for fail, they will learn from their experiences.  

Lindsay, J. & Davis, V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Leading & Learning with Technology 36(7), 12-15. Retrieved from
Ribble, M. S., & Bailey, G. D. (2004). Districts should teach their students digital smarts. District Administration, 40(10), 85. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Communication - e-mails and Twitter and texts, oh my!

For the most part, I use digital communication appropriately, making distinctions between professional and personal communications.  I tend to abbreviate more in personal texts and don’t always use complete sentences in personal emails.  When communicating with colleagues, I’m relatively informal with some, but I carefully consider grammar and structure.   If texting someone with whom I correspond infrequently or if I’m not sure I’m among their contacts, I try to identify myself.

In respect to social media, my children use some of the same platforms as I, and my friends and followers include them and their friends.  Furthermore, my husband works in an upper-administrative role.  With preteen, teenage, and professional friends and followers in mind, I work to keep my posts and comments appropriate to avoid embarrassing my family as well as friends and colleagues.

The biggest concern for students and school staff regarding digital communication is that of audience awareness.  That awareness should include more than just one’s current friends and followers lists, but also potential audience members such as schools and employers.   If I make the assumption that all my communication is under a microscope, I will be more careful in what I say and how I say it.   Students – all users – need to be aware of the scope of digital communication and how easy it is to share messages and images. 

I wonder if we as educators have somewhat given up on instructing students to communicate appropriately.  Do we see a need and find opportunities to instruct about texts, voicemails, and e-mails? Do we even require students to make distinctions between how they communicate with peers as opposed to adults?  Before we start addressing how to communicate appropriately, students must know why it is necessary.  

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Digital Commerce

By the time students make it to high school, most are familiar with online purchases of some sort.  This can include, but is certainly not limited to, online purchases of music, videos, and apps as well as purchases of goods (ie. electronics or clothing) and/or services (college and testing registration and fee payment).    In my library I see students register online for standardized tests and colleges/universities.  I see students on phones and tablets loaded with music and apps.    By high school, students typically have a grasp of money, and the types of transactions they make often differ from when they were younger.  The lessons that students learn need to vary by age.

We must acknowledge that younger students have purchasing power.  A Wall Street Journal article several years ago looked at the influence young children have when it comes to purchasing apps and for-pay phones and tablets.  Of course, children seldom have a good grasp of concepts like money and budgets. 

Older students need to learn about secure servers and password protection as well as privacy of information in general.   Additionally, a little lesson in budget management and credit cards would also be beneficial.  Purchasing with gift cards – a fixed amount – is a good way to teach students to budget. 

Students of all ages need to be aware of scams and phishing.  Bright flashing banners announcing prizes can easily entice students (and some adults) to provide information they normally would not.  For older students, providing information for researching stories and offers as well as credibility of sites is also helpful.   

We can always learn lessons about digital commerce, regardless of age.  We ought not assume students learn financial responsibility and protection at home.  Our lessons can help students and their families and open healthy dialogues about this topic.